Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Overcoming Barriers Through Functioning at the Highest Level

Dr. Henry Cloud's Leadership University Podcast series features an episode that describes three tasks required to function at the highest level.  In support of this approach, Dr. Cloud and team interview Jessie Itzler and cover examples from his life as an entrepreneur, author, and a current owner of the Atlanta Hawks.  Building on the three keys from Dr. Cloud, I have provided some related facts and reflective questions.

1.  Attend to the Relevant – What specific and highly impactful tasked are planned for completion today?
  • It can be difficult to select a key action but our goals and plans are a good place to start.
  • This work can be focused intellectual problem solving or relationship oriented (e.g., crucial conversations)
  • Research shows we are challenged to hold our focus for longer than just over 50 minutes. Given that, we need to seek out 50-minute blocks and devote that time to the relevant issues that need our attention. Research source: The Atlantic
  • Are you identifying, and reserving time to concentrate, on the things that really matter?

2.   Inhibit the Irrelevant – What will be done today to manage distractions?
  • Email, social media, environmental variables can draw our attention away from what matters.
  • Distractions cost us: Gloria Mark, of the University of California, completed research that shows it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to the task at hand after distraction. Research source: Gloria Mark
  • Step one is awareness: knowing what is likely to distract you from the relevant.
  • Step two is taking action to inhibit the irrelevant. Put away the phone. Find a location that affords concentration. Block your calendar, etc.
  • Are you recognizing the cost of distractions during your day? Have you found ways to inhibit those distractions?
3. Keep Focus Areas Ever Present – What will keep vision & purpose front and center?
  • The business person who has had the most influence on my professional principles kept index cards in his shirt pocket with the short list of things that were essential to delivering the division strategy and plan. 
  • Others have success with post-it notes on mirrors, the dash of a car, the edge of a computer monitor. Those visuals can serve as a catalyst for reminding yourself and others what matters most. Find ways to keep the reminders fresh so you don’t take them for granted.
  • Have you summarized and posted what matters most and/or why you are on your mission?

If any of the above three have created a “Cause to pause”, I’d encourage you to consider what tools you might use to help improve your performance or the performance of your company.  I offer 1:1 consulting, pragmatic plans, help on completing key projects and offer ways to collaborate.  See my website: Those services and tools can play a part in achieving progress in any of areas noted by Dr. Cloud.

Try this:  To keep things fresh, I've created a spot on the Strategic Steps LLC website where you can confidentially share your view of how you are doing in these three areas.  Your views will be combined with responses from other to provide you greater context.  Share your view

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

About Strategic Steps, LLC

In 2009, I set up this Blog at the suggestion of a friend in support of some ad hoc business consulting.  Since that time I worked for two great organization (DuPont/Pioneer, Pella Corporation) and now feel called to return to consulting with a focus on small to medium sized companies in the areas of strategy, marketing analytics & processes, and special projects.

Strategic Steps, LLC was formed in 2018 and was subsequently created as a reference point that will enable growing businesses to quickly explore what I can do for them.  I've organized the offering around the following solutions:
(1) Clarify - One on one consulting to identify and assess issues that could be holding back a business
(2) Create - Developing plans to align teams and guide work.  Strategic, Business, Project, etc.
(3) Complete - Applying my experience and PMP as the catalyst to get known projects finished
(4) Collaborate - Combining my diverse experiences with customer experience to take a strategic step

I believe many growing businesses are are the cusp of being able to take a step that could take their business to the next level and I want to help them accomplish that "Strategic Step".

My goal in resurrecting this blog is to model a great devotional I see each day that delivers 2-3 compelling points in the space of one screen.  My prospective customers are busy and I think that format will be ideal.  I hope you enjoy the updates.  And I welcome your feedback.  Sincerely, CJ Osborn


About Me

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An accomplished strategy and business development professional with extensive experience in marketing and a proven ability to identify, initiate, organize and manage strategy projects and other business development opportunities. Strategy expertise in corporate and business unit planning, developing and managing strategic initiatives, strategy performance measurement, process mapping, business development, business and financial modeling, mergers, acquisitions, and dispositions. Capabilities honed from multi-industry experience and from collaborating with diverse, high level teams executing high priority, multi-million dollar initiatives.